In some ways we'd like to think that this journal is not just a good read, admittedly offbeat at the best of times, but also a solid document of knowledge that may serve those who wish to learn more about working with both software and physical designs.
We have searched the web of things for other like minded people who may have precious information to share so we could learn. Sure, there's lots of information already out there; lots of blogs, videos of motors with flags turning, bathroom cookers, hardcore hackers, perhaps even retired men from the local electricity board putting together the next big thing. The problem that quickly came apparent was that, well to put it plainly, there were/are no like minded people out there! We suddenly felt strange, odd, even inadequate. Why?
This is an esoteric subject matter. Ok fine, but does that mean people have to document this stuff on awful wikis with inexplicable texts and decorated with photos of spaghetti junction overkill? Frankly, we found the search for nuggets of information among the techies a tough experience. We would like to alleviate the pain.
In order to make this an insightful and enjoyable journey for all of us, the SPAM team (SAM’s Personal Assistant Mindset) has come up with this website. The fact that we are already a few weeks into development and hence a few logs ahead is testament to our diligence for respecting at least one of our main objectives: to document the process. What we are documenting is OUR process and not THE process. So please don’t send us after-sales malfunctioning email about dysfunctional font families, ok?
Enjoy the process of processing, decoding & digesting SPAM with SAM!
Bonus line for all those reading right to the bottom of this log. Our first inspirational musical selection added to SAM’s Mix Tape N°1.
Friends of the Ark
What have we learned ?
Let's make the instructions concise, clear and god damn understandable to any stupid mortal without an electronics degree. And lets share that with the world.
Our Spahgetti Corner - Team SPAM - 2014